
You've Been Asleep for a Hundred Seconds

Monday, August 30, 2004

CD Revue: The Decemberists - The Tain EP

How does a band follow two brilliant albums brilliant whimsical pop? With a prog-metal mini-epic based on an Irish legend. The Tain is an 18 minute song with 5 movements. I still can't quite discern the story completely, although reading along with the lyrics does help. The best part is the second movement that sounds completely 70s with a rollicking metal rhythm. Rachel Bloomberg's "Hag" section is excellent as well. My only complaint is that I wish the 5 sections were broken up into separate tracks. Overall its a fun disc but ultimately for Decemberists completists or prog rock freaks.


At 8/31/2004 12:12 AM, Blogger ripvanruben said...

Alas there t'ain't any connection between the Tain and taint. The full title of original epic is "Tain Bo Cuailinge" which now makes me laugh. And when you look for the word Tain on Google you get sites like Tain Through Time which would be so much more interesting if had an extra t on the end.


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