No excuse for my long break between posts. Sure I've been working a fair amount of OT and just got a new computer and iPod that have been dominating my free time, but I can't continue to neglect successlessness! Anyhow here are some quick thoughts:
The Sonics played above and beyond their capablities. They should have one any games in that series but managed to take it to 6 games. Way to go.
I'm resolved to stop being an eltist ass to people. I don't often notice it when IO do it but it must stop.
My iPod is changing my life everytime I use it its really freakish technology.
I have new post up at
Soapnix. Check it out.
Star Trek is over. Enterprise is over and there are no new shows or movies in the works. That's likely a good thing for now.
Life is good in the greenhouse, Rrather be a plant than be your Mickey Mouse.
Christine Gregoire had been a good governor. I really didn't think that was possible.
The new Washington State anti-secondhand smoke ads are annoying and wrong.
Am I geek because I tivo
Meet the Press,
This Week with George Stephanopoulos,
Face the Nation, and
Upfront With Robert Mak every sunday? Umm, yep!
The BBC's
Alan Partridge is almost as funny as
The Office.
Safeco field is still a great place to see a game, even when the M's suck hard.
video is too funny. Britsih troops are cool. All credit to
the last ditch for the link.
More to come later this week.