
You've Been Asleep for a Hundred Seconds

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Vote Dammit!

Today is the Washington State Primary and I am already tired of hearing people bitch about how they hate the new closed primary. First, people really need to get over this because it was a change mandated by the US Supreme Court and it is not going to change.

More importantly its a fairer system. Why should people that aren't willing to align themselves with a party get to choose that parties candidates for the general election? Republicans should choose the Republican nominee and Democrats should choose the Democratic nominee. Its not like you are required to vote a straight party line in November. This is how most states have done it for centuries. The Washington system is even a lot more flexible than other states systems. In New York state, voters have to be officially registered with a party with the state prior to election day to be able to vote in that party's primary. In Washington you can vote as Democrat in one election and vote as Republican or Libertarian in the next primary and your choice is completely anonymous!!!

The new system also keeps a party's opponents from picking the worst possible candidate for it. For example, in 1996 I voted for batshit conservative Republican Ellen Craswell for Governor in the primary rather than voting for Norm Rice or Gary Locke on the Democratic side. And I wasn't the only one either crossover voters like me gave crazy Ellen enough votes to win the Republican nomination over more electable and moderate candidates. Then in November the crossover voters went back and voted for Gary Locke, the Democrat. It was kinda cool we were able to foil the other side but it was also profoundly unfair.

So quit whining and get out there and vote or send in your absentee ballot. Even if you can't bring yourself to declare a party at least vote in the non-partisan races. No voting so you can stick it to "the man" only makes you look like an arrogant asshole.


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