
You've Been Asleep for a Hundred Seconds

Monday, August 09, 2004

Sudden Customer Service

This morning my co-worker/friend FCW received a phone call from an irate man in California that demanded that she send some one to his house to help set up his internet connection. He either called the wrong number or was transferred incorrectly. She explained that she didn't have anything to do with that which caused him to rail against outsourcing, declare that he is a stockholder, and he deserves the customer service he wants. He continued ranting for a while and eventually hung up on her. What a jerk. I've received lots of strange calls at work mainly owing to my common and boring name but most have been cordial misunderstandings.

Why do people have to be such assholes? While I wish I worked in a more public service environment I definitely don't miss dealing with the assholes of the public. At my job prior to this one people on the phone were always the worst. People in person couldn't be too much of a jerk to your face but people on the phone would demand the most outrageous thing and then get mad when you told them you couldn't sketch out their entire family history over the phone for them. So try to be nice to people on the phone.


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