
You've Been Asleep for a Hundred Seconds

Monday, July 26, 2004

Catching Up

Didn't blog over the weekend. Why? I have no idea. Anyway here are a few notes.

Saturday My dad and stepmother came to town. I was nice to see them as it had been a while. My dad was really enthused about politics and had many stories to tell about the state house campaign he is helping out with. My dad may even run for state senate in two years. Dad shared some really awful Republican jokes that were simulataneously stupid, offensive, and unfunny. My stepmother was in good spirits and had some funny stories to tell about her daughter's post high school plans. After efforting to get my dad to go out for Sushi my brother and I gave up proposed Red Mill and a compromise. Burgers were good. Then we went downtown and caught The Bourne Supremacy, which in spite of it's silly name is a excellent film. How did Matt Damon escape the crapulance that is Ben Affleck's career? Only afterwards did I realize that the director Paul Greengrass also did the awesome Bloody Sunday.

Sunday After a restless night, I went over to Headstart's place for some nerd games. My brother and his friend Cool Lee joined us for some Illuminati. We played two games but neither were totally satisfactory because the winner of both won because of negligence on the part of other players rather than through real skill. My own victory seemed especially hollow because I won through trickery which no one understood or saw coming. Following the gaming I was pretty tired and ready for a nap and tried to weasel out of my evening plans with Headstart. I ended up sticking it out for a while and we went to the College Inn and and Had grinders and played free pool. I really enjoyed playing pool which is something of a rarity for me. Usually I suck so bad its just not fun but this time I really tired hard. I played Best of seven against Headstart. She swept me in four, but in all but one game it was close and I really had a shot to win. I really want to play more pool! After that I went home and watched another great episode of Six Feet Under. That show is really hitting on all cylinders this season and is really surprising me.


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